Friday, October 01, 2010

TaskStream: simple task sharing and tracking

TaskStream is a web application that allows the internal users of an organization to share tasks with one another as well as to comment on each others tasks. It is designed and built to be run on the intranet allowing organizations better control of usage as well as features and customizations. The web application tracks the status of each task as well as the amount of time spent on said task allowing management to make timely and accurate decisions. 

TaskStream will also serve as the showcase application for building a grails application using the correct approach: complete with upfront Use Case Diagrams,User Stories and Domain Models. I will also strive to write the tests first before the implementing code whenever possible. I will be documenting the progress on this blog which could allow me to make an e-book or perhaps a couple of screencasts to sell on line. Perhaps this could also form the basis of a seminar/talk which I could give so as to help pay for the bills. Or I could accept donations for feature requests so that I could continue working on the system. The possibilities seem endless but I am getting ahead of myself.

TaskStream devlog#01: Drawing the Usecase Diagrams
TaskStream devlog#02: Writing the User Stories
TaskStream devlog#03: Mocking up the screens
TaskStream devlog#04: Domain Modeling
TaskStream devlog#05: Creating the Grails Project
TaskStream devlog#06: Dealing with Security

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