Thursday, March 29, 2012

Building a good Software Startup

If I were to build a good software startup today, I'd run with the following ideas.

Hire only good people who get things DONE.
Even if they are more expensive in terms of compensation.
Quality trumps numbers. No doubt about it.

Development Team
  • 1 Lead Developer
  • 1 Senior Developer
  • 2 Junior Developers
  • 2 Business Analyst/QA

Operations Team
  • 1 Lead Systems Admin
  • 1 Senior System Admin
  • 6 Junior System Admins

Give your team a quiet working environment with ergonomic furniture and equipment

Give your team good internet connection
  • the faster they can download their installers, the earlier they can start working on code
  • the faster they can look up the solution on google or stackoverflow, the faster they can proceed to the next problem

Give your team good computer hardware
  • at least dual core processors with virtualization support
  • at least 8GB memory
  • at least 2 hard drives for mirror setup
  • at least 2 screens

Make sure to have enough environments to test, deploy and support the system properly.
  • Development Environment
  • Staging Environment
  • Support Environment
  • Production Environment

Make use of Free or Open Source systems to manage the development process.
Buy a commercial product only if you can't find a solution that fits.

Project/Issue Tracking with Source Code Management Options:
  • Indefero
  • Gitorious
  • Gitlab
  • Redmine+gitolite

Continuous Integration Server Options:
  • Jenkins
  • Team City

Code Quality:
  • Sonar

Setup google apps for for email, calendar and other stuff

As an example, here is how I would set it up on three physical servers:

Server#1 running ProxmoxVE
- Firewall/Proxy Server/Package Cache(apt,yum,mvn) VM
- Redmine+gitolite VM
- Jenkins VM
- Sonar VM
- NFS/Samba Server VM

Server#2 running ProxmoxVE
- Development Environment VM
- Staging Environment VM
- Support Environment VM

Server#3 for storage of backups
- nexentastor or freenas or centos+zfsonlinux

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ProxmoxVE 2: Configuring DRBD

I am running ProxmoxVE 2.0-35/d07f49c3 on two nodes connected using a cross cable on gigabit nics.
host1 ip:
host2 ip:

Check if drbd module is available
modprobe -l | grep drbd
Check if drbd module is loaded
lsmod | grep drbd
If not, load it with
modprobe -v drbd
Check the module version
modinfo drbd | grep version
I installed the appropriate drbd8-utils package on both nodes
dpkg -i drbd8-utils_8.3.10-0_amd64.deb
I built my own deb from source. You can find my build here.

I shrank the data volume on both of
I made use of the extents I freed up by shrinking the data volume to create an lvm volume that will be used for drbd.
lvcreate --verbose --extents 50000 --name lv4drbd pve
Next I modified /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf so that it only contains:
global {
    usage-count no;
common {
    protocol C;
    syncer {
        rate 30M; 
Next I created a new resouce file /etc/drbd.d/drbd0.res
resource drbd0 {
    protocol C;
    startup {
        wfc-timeout  0;
        degr-wfc-timeout 60;
        become-primary-on both;
    net {
        cram-hmac-alg sha1;
        shared-secret "drbd0-secret";
        after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
        after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
        after-sb-2pri disconnect;
    on host1 {
        device /dev/drbd0;
        disk /dev/pve/lv4drbd;
        meta-disk internal;
    on host2 {
        device /dev/drbd0;
        disk /dev/pve/lv4drbd;
        meta-disk internal;
I added the IP address of the other host into each of the /etc/hosts files.

Next I started drbd on both nodes with
/etc/init.d/drbd start
I then initialized drbd metatdata on both nodes with
drbdadm create-md drbd0
Next I brought up the device on both nodes with
drbdadm up drbd0
I checked the status on both nodes with
Next I started synchronization(should be instantaneous) from one node with
drbdadm -- --clear-bitmap new-current-uuid drbd0
Lastly, I restarted the drbd service on both nodes to enable Primary/Primary operation
/etc/init.d/drbd stop
/etc/init.d/drbd start

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ProxmoxVE 2.0: Shrinking the data volume

After installing ProxmoxVE 2.0rc1, a data volume was created which makes use of most of the space on the drive.

I wanted to carve out a separate volume for some other use so I needed to shrink this data volume:

First, I unmounted the logical volume with:
umount /var/lib/vz
Then I proceeded to shrink the file system to the minimum size possible with:
resize2fs -Mf /dev/pve/data
Then I proceeded to reduce the size of the logical volume with:
lvreduce --verbose --extents -100000 /dev/pve/data
Then I proceeded to grow the file system back to occupy the now reduced volume with:
resize2fs -f /dev/pve/data
Lastly, I remounted the file system with:
mount /dev/pve/data /var/lib/vz

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Monday, March 26, 2012

FizzBuzz in Javascript

Joel and company probably won't hire me since he only gets rockstar developers but here is my attempt at FizzBuzz
    for(var i=1;i<=100;i++){
        if(i%3 != 0  && i%5 != 0)
        if(i%3 == 0)
        if(i%5 == 0)
        document.write(' ');
    } //end for loop
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Friday, March 23, 2012

dailyLooper bash script

We needed to regenerate some data for the data warehouse so I had to run an extraction script once for each day of the month.

I wrote a simple bash script to make it easier to run a command or other scripts once for every day of a target month and year.

Code can be found below but may also be downloaded from here.

    echo "Usage: dailyLooper <year> <month> <script to run>"
    echo "Each date in the given month will be passed into the script in yyyy-mm-dd format"

CURRENT_MONTH=$(date +%m)

if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
    exit 1

if [ "$3" = "" ]; then

#returns the date yesterday if target month is the current month
#otherwise returns the last date for the target month
    local _year=$1
    local _month=$2   
    if [ $_month -lt $CURRENT_MONTH ]; then
        echo $(date -d "${TARGET_YEAR}-${TARGET_MONTH}-01 + 1 month - 1 day" +%d)
        echo $(date -d "yesterday" +%d)

    local _lastDay=$(lastDayOfMonth $TARGET_YEAR $TARGET_MONTH)
    while [ "$i" -le $_lastDay ]
        local _date=$(date -d "${TARGET_YEAR}-${TARGET_MONTH}-${i}" +%Y-%m-%d)
        $SCRIPT $_date
    done #end day of month loop


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cheap and Safe File Storage on Linux

I needed to setup a Samba file server using off the shelf desktop components.
It will be used in a small office with 5-10 clients.

Here are the relevant hardware specs:
Processor: i7
Memory: 16GB
Drives: 4 x 1TB sata drives
OS Installed: Ubuntu Sever 10.04LTS

The primary requirement is for the files to be fairly safe i.e. if the server crashes in the middle of saving a file then on restart, the file should return to the consistent state before the save operation. Performance is secondary to safety.

My initial plan was to use one drive for the OS and configure 3 drives in an mdraid level 5. After some research, I came across several references that state that mdraid level 10 works on odd numbered drives. It will work on 3 drives and even on 2. This looked like something I should try. I then had to decide what filesystem to use. I initially wanted to use xfs as I've heard and read a lot of good things about it.

After studying how to setup both mdraid and xfs, I started a thread on the linux-raid mailing list asking for best practice guidelines and guidance on using xfs with mdraid 10n2.

Several days of additional research guided by the comments on the mailing list thread resulted in a lot of learnings for me:
  • raid10n2 really works on 3 drives, I had my doubts at first but now I finally get how it can work with just three drives
  • drive sector size can be either 512b or 4k which can lead to mis-aligned partitions and have a negative impact on performance
  • ext4 provides the option: data=journal which makes it safer than xfs at the cost of some performance

The table below shows the average of the benchmark results I got. Yes, I know bonnie++ only tests sequential write/rewrite/read and some file operations and is not necessarily representative of the workload but IMHO, it is better than nothing. This was how things were setup for the benchmark:
  • a 50GB primary partition was created on each device located 1GB from the start of the disk for partition alignment
  • the md raid device is created on top of the primary partition created on each device
  • the chunk was set to 64k
  • the results below are for raid5 and raid10n2 only but I also tried raid10f2 and raid10n2
  • raid 10f2 had better read performance but slower write compared to raid 10n2
  • raid 10o2 performed quite closely to raid 10n2
  • the benchmark was run three times and the average was taken

Bonnie 1.96 Sequential Output Sequential Input Random

64k chunk Size Block Rewrite Block
K/sec % CPU K/sec % CPU K/sec % CPU /sec % CPU
32G 144430 11 68725 9.67 249364 21 280.33 9.33
32G 25077 4.67 21605 5 267283 22.33 293.67 6
32G 137365 8 69940 9 209180 16 365.03 11.67
32G 56249 6 37491 6 206548 16 389.00 8

For those interested, you can find/get the script I used here.

I modified this script to run my tests.

You can find the raw results here.

You can also find the debug info here.

I am considering re-running the tests but this time with iozone instead of bonnie++ so that I can get scores for random read and write.

Next, I plan to do pull-the-plug testing on ext4,data=journal on top of raid10n2 while doing streaming writes of a huge file over samba. I plan to use 2 different video files greater than 3GB. First I will copy file1 to the samba share and time it. I will then compute a checksum for file1 both locally and on the samba server. The computed checksum should be equal. Next, I will compute a checksum for file2 locally. It should be different from the value computed for file1. I will then move file1 to another directory and rename file2 to the the same name as file1. I will then attempt to copy the new file1 to the samba server. Halfway into the copy, I will pull the plug of the samba server. Next I will restart the samba server and recompute the checksum of file1. It should still be equal to the computed copy before.

If the system behaves as expected, I will go with ext4,data=journal on top of raid10n2.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Check disk write-caching

I'm investigating the performance of file systems and found myself needing to check if write-caching was enabled for my disk.
hdparm -W /dev/sda
To turn off write-caching, do
hdparm -W0 /dev/sda

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Globe UnliAllTxt with PlaySMS

We are using PlaySMS on top of SMS Server Tools 3( for our SMS gateway.

We wanted to take advantage of the Unlimited All Text Promo of Globe. I couldn't get the USB modem to register for the promo.

Registering thru a phone with the same SIM works. After reading the documentation of SMS Server Tools, I finally got it to work.

First I had to set the correct SMSC for the modem.
smsc = 639170000130
Next, I had to manually craft an SMS file that will be sent to the shorcode:8888.
To: s8888
Modem: GLOBE

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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

ProxmoxVE 2.0rc1 Notes:Setup

This is Part#1 of a series of posts on my experience with Proxmox 2.0rc1.

I was tasked to look for a suitable solution to build an internal cloud/virtualization infrastructure and I've decided to spend some time with ProxmoxVE 2.0rc1.

The list below is the hardware available to me:
2 desktop computers
Intel i3-530
1TB Hard drive

Things I want to try:
- benchmark disk/file IO performance of host system
- benchmark dis/file IO performance of guest system
- openvz live migration
- kvm live migration
- HA storage for the VM using DRBD
- ProxmoxVE HA i.e. guest starting on secondary node when primary node goes down
- openvz ubuntu server 10.04LTS guest running tomcat6 on sun-java6-jdk
- kvm ubuntu server 10.04LTS guest running tomcat6 on sun-java6-jdk

Installing ProxmoxVE 2.0rc1 on the hardware was fairly straight forward.
The installer took over the whole 1TB drive and partitioned it on its own.

running fdisk -l /dev/sda && df -Th revealed:
- /dev/sda1 is 495MB ext3 mounted on /boot
- dev/sda2 is 999.5GB LVM

running pvscan && vgscan revealed:
- /dev/sda2 was configured as an lvm2 physcial volume
- a volume group named pve was created by proxmox

running lvscan && mount revealed:
- a 4GB /dev/pve/swap volume was created for swap
- a 96GB /dev/pve/root ext3 volume mounted as the root file system
- a 899GB /dev/pve/data ext3 volume mounted on /var/lib/vz

Next I updated ProxmoxVE 2.0rc1 which is Debian based.
The host is behind a proxy server so to update I ran:

export http_proxy=

apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade

I proceeded to install some useful tools:
apt-get install screen dstat

Next, I configured NTP to sync to a time server on the local network

Next I downloaded an openvz template for ubuntu 10.04LTS and proceeded to create and run a guest.

I ran across an annoying bug while accessing the guest using the console. Tab completion was not working which made it difficult to work on the web console. I found a work around and made a separate post for the web console tab fix

Stay tuned for my next post in this series: Setting up DRBD backed storage even with just one hard disk

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ProxmoxVE 2.0rc1 web console tab fix

I ran across an annoying bug while accessing the guest using the console. Tab completion was not working which made it difficult to work on the web console. I found a work around which modifies /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js with:

cp /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js /root/pvemanagerlib.js.bak

cat /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js | \
sed "s/'Show Controls', value: 'No'/'Show Controls', value: 'Yes'/" \
> /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js

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Mount a Proxmox KVM raw image in an LVM over DRBD

2 desktop computers
Intel i3-530
1TB Hard drive

- 2 node cluster of ProxmoxVE 2.0-35/d07f49c3(rc1)
- LVM volume group named drbd_storage created on top of a drbd block device
- Installed Ubuntu Server 10.04LTS in a kvm container named ubuntu-kvm-template
- proxmox created a logical volume in drbd_storage named vm-108-disk-1

I want to mount the disk so that I can check something out. Apparently it is not that simple.

I eventually figured it out thru trial and error of suggestions across serveral sources.

losetup /dev/loop0 /dev/drbd_storage/vm-108-disk-1
fdisk -l /dev/loop0
apt-get install kpartx
kpartx -av /dev/loop0
vgchange -ay
mkdir -p /tmp/108
mount /dev/ubuntu-kvm-template/root /tmp/108
umount /mnt/108
lvchange -an /dev/ubuntu-kvm-template/*
kpartx -dv /dev/loop0
losetup -d /dev/loop0

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